Available Services
Choose your level of care and preferred frequency [weekly or bi-weekly].
Each level includes mowing, string trimming, edging, and blowing.
Total Service
This is an all-inclusive mowing service where we remove weeds from your flower beds during each mowing visit and shave ornamental grasses in the fall.
Basic Service
This service provides mowing, string trimming, edging, and blowing.
Storm Debris Clean Up
We take limbs or damaged plants that need to be cut down or removed.
For all xeriscape projects, we install a weed barrier to control the growth of weeds and make it easy to keep your hardscape looking fantastic.
Trimming includes cleaning up flowerbeds and trimming plants.
Sod Installation
There's nothing better than a nice flat, green lawn. Sod can be one of the most visually impactful projects that can be done to your yard. Our team spends time preparing and leveling before sod is laid to ensure the end product is level and drains properly.
It is recommended to maintain 3 inches of mulch on your beds as mulch retains moisture and can act as an organic weed barrier. Our mulching service includes cleaning out any debris [leaves/trimmings] before laying down new mulch.
Planting/removing trees and plants can transform your yard into something worth dwelling in. Enriched topsoil will be added if the soil we are planting in lacks nutrients.
Junk Haul
We haul away junk. Prices vary.